The Future in 2025: Five Forces Shaping Strategy, Organizations, and Work The project leaders set their sights on the year 2025. Collectively, the Future of HR teams developed a description of the likely economic and societal challenges that organizations will face in 2025. Then, they developed their predictions and recommendations about the future of HR in each of the three arenas. We know a single future description is by nature generic and will not describe perfectly the specific challenges facing any particular organization or industry. Thus, the objective was not to define one future for all, but instead to identify the broad trends and demonstrate how those trends translated into insights
about HR’s future charter, constituent expectations, talent pipeline and tools and operating models. The teams recognized that their work would be most useful by designing and demonstrating a framework and processes that HR and other leaders might replicate in their own organization. The investigation revealed five forces defining the future, and the teams traced the effects of each force on organizations and global social and economic systems, and the likely business response to each force.
Four Key Arenas for Professional Evolution
1. Align HR with Value Creation for Organizations that Win. Articulate a new HR charter and contribution model that describes the essential contributions companies will need from our field to successfully compete in the future.
2. Improve the Expectations of HR’s Key Constituents. Define what is needed to move beyond today’s constituent expectations of HR, then improve those expectations with
evidence that this role leads to improved value creation.
3. Rewire the Work and Tools of HR. Define the processes, practices, systems, and operating models that drive HR’s deliverables and outcomes.
4. Ensure the HR Talent Pipeline. Crystalize a new set of professional requirements based on current research that explores the needs and gaps in the HR profession.
The States of Organization and Work
1. Current State. This scenario suggests that the world of work in 2025 will bear a striking resemblance to today. Through a general slow-down in the evolution of technology or management science or a significant setback, the world of work remains similar to today.
2. Today Turbo-Charged. This scenario suggests the continued evolution and empowerment of technology empowering business, but with few advances in the evolution of business or management models. This scenario is characterized by similar employment relationships but in a faster, better, cheaper business paradigm.
3. Work Re-imagined. In this scenario, the future sees an evolution into new business and employment models but without disruptive advances in technology. Current technology enables social networks and web-connected groups and are increasingly focused on organizational impact, values, culture, and work relationships.
4. “Uber” Empowered. This more extreme scenario suggests a virtuous and accelerated cycle of technology and work democratization fueling one another to create the rapid evolution of new business models. These business models will increasingly be characterized by the way they place into balance the needs of the company and the needs of the individual.
By Dr.Siddhartha Pandey....
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